Selasa, 07 April 2015

What Should I Do?

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb

goodnight friends, on this night I will share with you about my story as a student and as a person who needs a job. since before I was obsessed to become a lecturer or teacher. because I work as an educator was very noble, getting rewarded for teaching useful knowledge to others. and worked as a teacher was very nice, but it takes patience over his face students. patience and skills of teachers or educators need trained from an early age, so I need your advice on how to train these skills so that I can become qualified teachers? Besides, is there any suitable job for me, with the soul purpose of a trained teacher and my skills?
thank you friend ..

Assalamualikum Wr Wb

5 komentar:

  1. Robbi, I think the same with you, the teacher is a noble job. so to train how to teach, cobala worked as a tutor. so you will be familiar.

  2. I think you must learnt from a teacher or lecturer you ;)
    Way how he teaching, way how he submits science.. I sure you can do it ;) and than became good a teacher ..
    Keep fighting (!)

  3. well nawir, :D
    You can learn from the internet to be a good teacher. becoming a teacher was not easy so try to always learn and never give up. I'm sure you can be a good teacher. keep spirit. :)

  4. Teachers should be able to position itself as a role model for students. Teachers must know their students. Teachers must know the value of planting methods and how to use these methods, making them effectively and efficiently. Teachers must have extensive knowledge will thus be realized qualified teachers.

  5. my friend,, learn from small things, as well as skill. if continuously in practice will certainly evolve. I recommend learn to become a tutor.

    may be useful for you my friend.
