Selasa, 14 April 2015

Toefl Preparation

goodnight friends, on my third post I will share about toefl preparation. toefl test is an important process in finding a job. some jobs require workers to be able to speak English well, such as foreign companies as well as other professions. In the TOEFL test you will be faced with a 4 stage test that tests reading comprehension, listening, writing and of the efforts to prepare for toefl is the ability to read. beberpa following tips that can be done to train reading comprehention. is as follows:
1. Always add vocabulary
how to add a vocabulary that can be done is to read and understand the formal writing such as magazines, newspapers, scientific papers, journals and so on. so can add new words.

3. Focus on key ideas and sentenceswe can save time by only understand the main ideas in the readings, no need to digest it word for word in the passage.
4. Perform scanning as before we submit, you do not need to read the whole text because it often takes time, you must first understand the idea of ​​an existing paragraph by paragraph, and then understand the question and find answers in the text by doing readings at a glance. It is more effective than text that you read to completion.
5. remain relaxed and calm because tranquility is indispensable so as not to lose focus.

Selasa, 07 April 2015

What Should I Do?

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb

goodnight friends, on this night I will share with you about my story as a student and as a person who needs a job. since before I was obsessed to become a lecturer or teacher. because I work as an educator was very noble, getting rewarded for teaching useful knowledge to others. and worked as a teacher was very nice, but it takes patience over his face students. patience and skills of teachers or educators need trained from an early age, so I need your advice on how to train these skills so that I can become qualified teachers? Besides, is there any suitable job for me, with the soul purpose of a trained teacher and my skills?
thank you friend ..

Assalamualikum Wr Wb

Selasa, 31 Maret 2015

A Spirit Touch from Writer

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb     
         Good night friend, how are you this evening? Hopefully in a healthy state yaa .. Well, my name is Munawir Nursyahrobby, I am a student in Jambi University for Chemistry Education, now let me share a story about my daily activities as a student. Precisely on Sunday March 29th 2015, I was entrusted to lead the prayers in a campus activity, the book review. At the 3rd floor in the hall of the  rectorate, the show presented two very inspiring speakers. Namely Ivo Hernawati, a young writer of University Chemistry Education Jambi, who wrote a book "Agar Kuliah Tak Sekedar Modal Kerja". She was inspired to write the book because nowadays most of the students studying just to get a college degree to get a job as a capital, this mindset need to be changed by miss Ivo in her book. The second speaker was Adrizal, a student who officiate as a governoor of BEM in Faculty of Sport Science, his book titled "Menjadi Pemimpin Bukan Pemimpi". A sentence I quoted from his book is the ideals is a dream that dated. So, if we have goals, we need to know when these goals will be achieved. Thus making the efforts we need to do to achieve that dream is more structured. He authored the book in just 44 days. An achievement deserves to be in appreciation, because writing is not his field but sport.

      According to you friends, how to make us more motivated in writing? So that our writing is positive for others.
     I need your comment, thank you for having visited my blog!!

     Assalamualaikum Wr Wb